A/B Test

A/B Test

A/B Test

Enhanced with AI

Enhanced with AI

Enhanced with AI

AI-powered features designed to maximize your testing efficiency and effectiveness.

AI-powered features designed to maximize your testing efficiency and effectiveness.




Product Suggestions

Product Suggestions

Product Suggestions

Our AI analyzes trends and customer behavior to identify popular products. Get smart suggestions on which products to focus on and test for maximum impact.

Our AI analyzes trends and customer behavior to identify popular products. Get smart suggestions on which products to focus on and test for maximum impact.




Hypothesis Generation

Hypothesis Generation

Hypothesis Generation

AI reviews your historical data and suggests hypotheses to test, ensuring you start with the most promising ideas.

AI reviews your historical data and suggests hypotheses to test, ensuring you start with the most promising ideas.




Test Execution

Test Execution

Test Execution

Let our AI run and manage tests for you. It ensures that the tests are conducted efficiently and provides you with actionable insights.

Let our AI run and manage tests for you. It ensures that the tests are conducted efficiently and provides you with actionable insights.

Start Maximizing Your Revenue

Want to integrate the app with

your Shopify store?

Book a Free 15-minute strategy call with Felix, Founder of AB Final, who helped multiple Shopify stores increase their revenue using CRO. 

Start Maximizing Your Revenue

Want to integrate the app with

your Shopify store?

Book a Free 15-minute strategy call with Felix, Founder of AB Final, who helped multiple Shopify stores increase their revenue using CRO. 

Start Maximizing Your Revenue

Want to integrate the app with

your Shopify store?

Book a Free 15-minute strategy call with Felix, Founder of AB Final, who helped multiple Shopify stores increase their revenue using CRO. 


Don't just take our word for it - see what actual users of our service have to say about their experience.

“With the A/B testing tool provided by this product, I saw a remarkable 30% increase in conversion rates within just two weeks of implementation. It seamlessly integrated with my Shopify store, allowing me to test different variations of product pages, CTAs...”

Jane Smith

E-commerce Entrepreneur

“As a digital marketing manager overseeing multiple Shopify stores, I needed a robust A/B testing solution that could scale with our growing portfolio. This product exceeded my expectations. Its advanced targeting capabilities allowed us to segment our ...”

Tom Williams

InstaJewel founder

“Integrating A/B testing functionality into our client's Shopify stores has never been easier thanks to this product. Its developer-friendly API and comprehensive documentation made implementation a breeze, saving us valuable time and resources. Not only did ...”

Michael Brown

Online Entrepreneur

“I've been running my Shopify store for a few years now, but I always struggled with figuring out what changes would actually improve my sales. That's where this A/B testing product came in. It allowed me to test different versions of my product pages,

Sarah Johnson



Don't just take our word for it - see what actual users of our service have to say about their experience.

“With the A/B testing tool provided by this product, I saw a remarkable 30% increase in conversion rates within just two weeks of implementation. It seamlessly integrated with my Shopify store, allowing me to test different variations of product pages, CTAs...”

Jane Smith

E-commerce Entrepreneur

“As a digital marketing manager overseeing multiple Shopify stores, I needed a robust A/B testing solution that could scale with our growing portfolio. This product exceeded my expectations. Its advanced targeting capabilities allowed us to segment our ...”

Tom Williams

InstaJewel founder

“Integrating A/B testing functionality into our client's Shopify stores has never been easier thanks to this product. Its developer-friendly API and comprehensive documentation made implementation a breeze, saving us valuable time and resources. Not only did ...”

Michael Brown

Online Entrepreneur

“I've been running my Shopify store for a few years now, but I always struggled with figuring out what changes would actually improve my sales. That's where this A/B testing product came in. It allowed me to test different versions of my product pages,

Sarah Johnson



Don't just take our word for it - see what actual users of our service have to say about their experience.

“With the A/B testing tool provided by this product, I saw a remarkable 30% increase in conversion rates within just two weeks of implementation. It seamlessly integrated with my Shopify store, allowing me to test different variations of product pages, CTAs...”

Jane Smith

E-commerce Entrepreneur

“As a digital marketing manager overseeing multiple Shopify stores, I needed a robust A/B testing solution that could scale with our growing portfolio. This product exceeded my expectations. Its advanced targeting capabilities allowed us to segment our ...”

Tom Williams

InstaJewel founder

“Integrating A/B testing functionality into our client's Shopify stores has never been easier thanks to this product. Its developer-friendly API and comprehensive documentation made implementation a breeze, saving us valuable time and resources. Not only did ...”

Michael Brown

Online Entrepreneur

“I've been running my Shopify store for a few years now, but I always struggled with figuring out what changes would actually improve my sales. That's where this A/B testing product came in. It allowed me to test different versions of my product pages,

Sarah Johnson


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